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Del 24 de junio al 5 de julio de 2022


October 28, 2020

The name Guatapí has ​​its origin in the majestic and imposing Guatapurí River, which has great importance for the Vallenata culture, it is also the habitat of most of the municipality's fauna, including the emblematic iguana, symbol of the official character.

The iguana is the representative animal of the city of Valledupar. All the inhabitants of the city, children, young people and adults come across one of them every day, in the streets, parks, mountains and even in the houses, making it an important part of the daily life of the vallenatos.

This is why the Guatapí iguana became the official character of these Bolivarian jousts and will be in charge of leading the environmental and sustainability strategies of the XIX Valledupar 2022 Bolivarian Games.



December 01, 2020

Guatapí being a humanized iguana is the representation of a series of skills such as speed, arto f and strength, qualities that are arto f the athletes who get involved with the different disciplines that are arto f the XIX Valledupar 2022 Bolivarian Games.


December 01, 2020

Guatapí has ​​a full-body “suit” uniform, frequently worn by athletes. His design is associated with the official image of the XIX Valledupar 2022 Bolivarian Games on his chest; It is made up of stripes at the top of the shoulders and at the bottom of the shorts. These stripes are the isotype of the jousting, they include the colors red, yellow, blue and white, the official color palette of the Bolivarian sports jousting.


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